Saturday 7 November 2015

The Difference Between Mandarin, Tangerine, and Clementine

Have you ever wondered why there are several names to what seems to be one fruit? Well, that is because even though Mandarin, Tangerine, and Clementine may look slightly similar, but they happen to be different fruits, which all fall under the genus Citrus.

We know that oranges were cultivated ages ago. Mandarins oranges — in all their forms – have probably descended from wild oranges which grew in north-east India as far as 3,000 years ago. From India, mandarins made their way to China then to Europe, North Africa, and Australia before reaching other parts of the world.

The following are the differences between those often confused fruits. 

(Citrus reticulata), also known as mandarin oranges, are a type of small oranges with loose skin which have originated in China, hence the name. With over 12 million tons harvested each year, China remains by far the largest grower and consumer in the world.


Tangerines (Citrus tangerina) are reddish-orange mandarins with a particular citrus taste, which is sweeter and stronger than that of oranges. They are less sour, have seeds, and can be easily peeled. The fruit arrived in Europe in the 1800s by way of North Africa, where a large varietal was grown in Morocco. Exported through the port of Tangier, the fruit became known as Tangerine.

However, the name, which first came into common usage in the United States,
is strictly a marketing name and has no authentic botanical standing. Depending on the geographical location, we find that tangerine is oftentimes used interchangeably with “mandarin”.

Australia, the fruit is simply known as Mandarin.

In Telugu, Portugal, and throughout the Caribbean,
tangerine is referred to as Kamala kaya.

In the Arab world, it is
Yusuf Effendi — attributed to the person who first introduced the fruit to Egypt during the era of Muhammed Ali, Yusuf Effendi al-Armani, who brought the mandarin saplings from the Island of Malta. Check the story of the etymology added at the end of the article... in Arabic since it’s about the word in Arabic.


Clementines (Citrus ×clementina) are small seedless mandarins that are are typically juicy, sweet, and with less acid than oranges. Because it is sterile (no seeds), clementine shoots need to be budded onto other varietals. This varietal was created by Frère Marie-Clement Rodier, a French missionary brother in Algeria, in the beginning of the 20th century. The clergyman crossed a mandarin and an orange, and the lucky crossing was a seedless mandarin with a looser skin, thus easier to peel: the clementine.

Many citrus botanists, however, refer to clementine as “Canton mandarin” the one found in China.

Another variety of seedless mandarin is the Japanese Satsuma derived from the former Satsuma Province in Japan, from which these hybrid fruits were first exported to the West. 

All that said, from a quick search on the World Wide Web one can deduct that the nomenclature of these citrus cousins vary greatly from region to region and from culture to culture. So the confusion will likely always exist.

Nutritionally speaking, all varieties of said fruits are more or less similar and they are all healthy.  They offer
Limonoids (Limonin, Nomilin), Flavonoids (different types), and Carotenoids. Equally, they are all a source of Vitamin C, B1, B6, B9, and fibre in addition to multiple other antioxidants.

And now you know. 

  أصل تسمية يوسف أفندي

في إطار اهتمام محمد علي باشا بالتجارب الزراعية في أيار/مايو 1830م، أمر بإرسال مجموعة من أشجار العنب والتوت والليمون والتين المستحضرة من الأستانة (اسطنبول حاليا في تركيا). قام بتخصيص 100 فدان بجوار حديقة شبرا لزراعة هذه المزروعات الأوروبية. وأيضاً أرسل ٣٠ شخصًا لتعليمهم زراعة تلك الأصناف على يد ثلاثة تلاميذ عادوا من بعثات علمية إلى فرنسا وإيطاليا. وكان أحد هؤلاء الطلبة هو يوسف أفندي. عند عودتهم من فرنسا حصلت ريح شديدة، سببت إقامة العائدين معه نحو ثلاثة أسابيع في جزيرة مالطا. تصادف في تلك المدة أن رست سفن حاملة أشجارا مثمرة من جهات الصين واليابان، فاشترى منها يوسف أفندي ثمانية براميل بها شجر مثمر من النوع المعروف الآن باسم اليوسفي

عندما وصل
يوسف أفندي الإسكندرية وجاء وقت مقابلة محمد علي باشا التمس أن يحمل معه بعضًا من هذه الفاكهة التي كان قد اشترى أشجارها. عندما تناولها محمد علي باشا أعجبته وسأل عن اسم الفاكهة؛ وكان يوسف سأل قبل ذلك بعض الحاشية علي من يحبه محمد علي من أولاده أكثر من غيره، فأخبره أنه يحب طوسون باشا. فقال يوسف له: إن اسمها هو "طوسون". فتبسم محمد علي وقال: ما اسمك؟ قال يوسف. فأمر محمد علي بتسميتها يوسف أفندي التي تقال أحيانا يوسفي، وأمر بزراعة هذه الفاكهة الجديدة في حديقة قصر شبرا. فعرفت منذ ذلك الحين باليوسف أفندي

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